Piazza Garibaldi

Just like Portici Ercolani, Piazza Garibaldi, also known as Piazza del Duomo, recalls the most splendid time of Senigallia’s fair. It belongs to the urban development works ordered by Pope Lambertini in the mid of the 18th century.

Thanks to the recent refurbishment works, Piazza Garibaldi is a charming urban scenario, surrounded by public buildings with high architectural value: Palazzo Becci, Cattedrale di San Pietro Apostolo (Cathedral of Saint Peter the Apostle), Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop’s Palace) with Pinacoteca Diocesana, Palazzo Micciarelli (a former spinning mill), Auditorium San Rocco, Palazzo delle Dogane (Il Doganone) (The Customs Building) and Collegio Ginnasio Pio IX.

Especially worth of mention are Palazzo Micciarelli, designed by Senigallia’s architect Pietro Ghinelli, which in the early 19th century its courtyard hosted a communal wooden theatre, and the Cathedral, full of works of art.


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