Gardens and green areas in Senigallia Playing, walking and relaxing amidst the green

Senigallia is a town rich in green areas. Gardens, parks, equipped areas, playgrounds: you simply have to choose!

Parco della Pace is a real paradise for children, a “green lung” near the Stadium with games, benches, bicycle-pedestrian paths and picnic areas.

In the historical heart of Senigallia, Giardini Catalani are a true green oasis of about 4,300 m2 of fresh lawn at the back of the historical town walls and Teatro La Fenice, enriched by the artworks of MUSA (The Adriatic Urban Sculpture Museum) Project.

Between the beach and the railway station you will find Giardini Morandi with swings, a play tower with a slide and a merry-go-round.

In the place that used to host the old Jewish cemetery of Senigallia (Via Marche) you will find a small park dedicated to Ann Frank equipped with a playground and a basket court. On the same street, at the junction with Viale dei Pini, Giardini caduti di Nassirya offer a fitness path with several equipped stations.

Giardini Lorrach are situated in Via dei Gerani, in Saline area: 6,500 m2 with swings, a rope pyramid, a slide and a modular structure with two play towers.


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