Some advice for a peaceful holiday Safety first of all

Senigallia is the ideal destination for a dream holiday thanks to the clean sea and velvety sand, natural elements that make it one of the most renowned destinations for both relaxation and fun. The beach establishments are equipped to carry out the most varied sporting activities from beach volleyball to surfing and children have the most modern attractions at their disposal for endless fun from dawn to dusk.


Safety at sea is guaranteed by an efficient rescue service, and a home and outpatient medical assistance service dedicated to tourists takes care of all the city’s guests, but it is a good idea to follow some tips to make the most of every moment of your holiday.


The first recommendation can only concern children and the elderly for whom the best hours to spend on the beach are early in the morning, before 12.00, and in the afternoon after 4.00. Especially for the little ones, applying a sun cream before exposure to the sun will help preserve the particular delicacy of the skin prone to sunburn.


As for clothing, it is better to wear light clothing in light colors that attract less of the sun’s rays, and don’t forget the hat, which is essential for preventing sunstroke, and sunglasses.


Another rule to follow to continue your holiday without inconvenience is to wait at least three hours after meals before taking a bath and thus aid digestion while avoiding dangerous congestion.


Finally, remember to drink lots of water even if you don’t feel thirsty; good hydration helps fight the stress caused by high temperatures, which increase body sweating, with the consequent loss of greater quantities of liquids and mineral salts, essential elements for the health of the organism.

Happy holiday!

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