Admiring Brandani’s decorated ceilings One of Senigallia’s most beautiful treasures at Palazzetto Baviera

A not-to-be-missed historical place in Senigallia is Palazzetto Baviera, a recently refurbished harmonious building that was originally erected in the 14th century and then readjusted with a Renaissance touch at the end of the 15th century by Giacomo Baviera, from Giovanni Della Rovere’s family.

Visitors enter the palace from a patio enriched by a portico with two levels of columns and an elegant well surrounded by Baviera’s family coats of arms. The upper floor hosts one of Senigallia’s most beautiful treasures: the ceilings completely decorated with stucco by Urbino’s artist Federico Brandani around 1560. The works include scenes from the Iliad, the Genesis, Roman history and the twelve  labours of Hercules.

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