An outstanding ice-cream maker in Senigallia Paolo Brunelli conquers the Gambero Rosso 2017 guide

Senigallia: an absolute excellence not only in fish cuisine. After the starred chefs Uliassi and Cedroni, the Velvet Beach boasts an outstanding ice-cream maker.

The Gambero Rosso 2017 guide sees the entrance of Paolo Brunelli and his ice-cream parlour situated in via Carducci.

Together with other 35 colleagues, the “maestro” from Agugliano received the much-desired title “Tre coni” awarded by the famous guide. Moreover, he won the special prize for the best chocolate ice-cream in Italy, beating the harsh competition of 37 thousand ice-cream makers.

Thanks to Paolo Brunelli’s delicious creations, Senigallia can be legitimately defined as the “city of taste”.

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