Brodetto di pesce (fish soup) The Adriatic Sea just in one dish

The best fish for this recipe is: mullets, cod, monkfish, ray, medium-sized squid, scorpion fish, tub gurnard, smooth dogfish and lobster. Clean the squids, removing the guts and the cuttlebone. Clean the fish, removing the scales and the fishbone and cutting the heads off. Put the heads in a pot with about one litre of cold water, together with almost one entire onion, one carrot, one piece of celery, half of the parsley and half of the laurel leaf. When the water starts boiling, cook for 15 or 20 minutes, then remove the soup from the stove and filter it with a sieve. Put a pan with oil on medium-flame, chop the rest of the onion and one garlic clove, and add when hot. Fry to a golden brown, then add the rest of the chopped parsley and the squid. Add pepper and wait for the cooking water of the squid to dry off almost completely, then sizzle with white wine. When it evaporates, add the peeled tomatoes without seeds (or alternatively, 100 grams of tomato sauce) and cook for five minutes. Then pour the fish soup in the pan, increase the flame, wait until it boils and let the liquid reduce by one fourth. If available, add the smooth dogfish, without the skin, cut in slices, and the other fish, except for cod and mullets. Let it boil for 5 minutes, then add the cod cut in large pieces and the mullets. Wait until it boils and remove the pan from the flame, interrupting the boil. In the meantime toast some bread slices in the oven for about 5 minutes. Serve the fish on bread slices placed in soup plates with some soup and bring the rest of the soup to the table in a separate soup toureen.per cinque minuti. Versate quindi nel tegame il brodo di pesce precedentemente preparato, ravvivate il fuoco, portate ad ebollizione e lasciate ridurre il liquido di ¼. Aggiungete quindi, se lo avete, il palombo spellato e tagliato a fette e tutti gli altri pesci, eccetto, eventualmente, i merluzzi e le triglie.
Dopo 5 minuti di ebollizione, aggiungete anche il merluzzo tagliato in grossi tranci e le triglie, fate nuovamente giungere a bollore e togliete il recipiente dal fuoco interrompendo l’ebollizione.
Nel frattempo tostate le fette di pane in forno con il grill per 5 minuti circa. Servite quindi il pesce adagiato sulle fette di pane in dei piatti fondi con parte del brodo e portate il rimanente brodo in tavola in una zuppiera a parte.

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